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Kiwire 3.0 Administrator        >        Setting up the Wi-Fi Hardware & Configuration       >       Mikrotik   

Kiwire 3.0 Administrator - Device & Controller Setup Guide

Mikrotik Configuration for Kiwire v3 hotspot



Before integrating the controller with Kiwire, it is necessary that you upgrade the Mikrotik to latest stable firmware. Mikrotik lastest firmware can be downloaded from




  1. Kiwire-hostname or Kiwire-ip can be obtain by contacting our technical support for our cloud customer. For enterprise client the ip will be on premises Kiwire ip address.

  2. Social network hostname list can be obtained from Social network whitelist guide


  1. Create Hotspot 

a). Go to IP > Hotspot,

b). click on the Servers tab and click Hotspot Setup to follow the wizard

Mikrotik 1.png
Mikrotik 2.png

c.     Select which HotSpot Interface network should be running

d.     Create network segment for the hotspot network

Mikrotik 3.png

e). Set DHCP pool for hotspot users

Mikrotik 4.png

f). Select “none” for certificate unless you have a valid SSL certificate installed in Mikrotik

Mikrotik 5.png

g). Set for SMTP server since we are not going to use this for Kiwire

Mikrotik 6.png

h). Set DNS servers

Mikrotik 7.png

i). Set DNS name to hide the hotspot gateway IP or can leave it blank

Mikrotik 8.png

j). Set a dns name for the hotspot, the dns name is only known and valid to guest within your hotspot network

Mikrotik 9.png

k).  Ignore local hotspot user since we are using Kiwire. Proceed with next step

l). You have completed the initial setup

m). Go IP > Hotspot > Server Profiles,

n). Double click on the hotspot server created and go to Login Tab and tick login by HTTP PAP

Mikrotik 10.png

o). Go to RADIUS tab and tick USE RADIUS

Mikrotik 11.png

p). Go to IP > Hotspot > User Profiles and double click on the default list and under General tab change the Shared Users to the amount of the hotspot users.

Mikrotik 12.png

q). Go to Walled Garden IP List and add 2 new rules for source and destination address which is Kiwire IP, if you wish to activate Social login refer to network wallgarden guide to add respective wallgarden list

Mikrotik 13.png

r). Go to RADIUS.

s). Add new RADIUS and set Kiwire IP and secret key (must matched with Kiwire setting later).

t).Click on Incoming and tick Accept and use Port 3799 as COA port

Mikrotik 14.png

u). Use below login.html and change the url to:


WhatsApp Image 2021-07-19 at 4.05.16 PM.jpeg

v). Drag the login.html file to Hotspot folder under Files below log

Mikrotik 16.png

w). Go to System > Identity and set a unique name for Mikrotik and this will be used later in Kiwire setting.

Mikrotik 17.png

Success! The Mikrotik hotspot network is now pointed to Kiwire.

Kiwire Configuration for Mikrotik

  1. Adding NAS into Kiwire

    • Navigate to Devices > Devices > Add Device

    • Device Type → Controller

    • Vendor → Mikrotik

    • Identity → The Nas ID you set earlier

    • Ip Address → Mikrotik device ip address

    • Address → optional

    • Username → Mikrotik username

    • Password → Mikrotik password

    • Shared Secret Key → Secret key phrase set at Radius

    • COA Port → 3799

    • Description → optional

    • Monitoring Method → optional

    • Community → optional

    • Snmp version → optional

    • Create→ to save

SSL Certificate Mikrotik Hotspot

1. Copy this 3 file paste into Files (Mikrotik)

Picture 1.png

2.  Go to System → Certificate

Picture 2.png

3.  â€‹Import this following items:


i). 1st inport file.crt

ii). 2nd import file.key

iii). Status will be “KT”

Picture 3.png
Picture 4.png

4. Go to IP -> Service → Enable www-ssl → Select Certificate

Picture 5.png

5. IP → DNS → Static-> add → Name “cert DNS register name”

Picture 6.png

6. Go to IP → Hotspot → Server Profile → Select Server Profile Use → General → add DNS Name

Picture 7.png

7. Login Tab → Enable HTTPS → Select SSL Certificate → Enable HTTPS Redirect

Picture 8.png
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