Kiwire 3.0 Administrator - Device & Controller Setup Guide
Kiwire 3.0 Administrator - Device & Controller Setup Guide
Cambium Networks Configuration for Kiwire Hotspot
Cambium Networks Configuration for Kiwire Hotspot
Before integrating the controller with Kiwire, it is necessary that the controller and access point:
are connected to the Internet
are reachable on the network
have an IP address assigned to the a through DHCP or static
Kiwire-hostname or Kiwire-ip can be obtain by contacting our technical support for our cloud customer. For enterprise client the ip will be on premises Kiwire ip address.
Social network hostname list can be obtained from Social network whitelist guide
Part 1: Cambium cnMaestro configuration
Login to your Cambium cnMaestro controller
Go to WLANs > Configuration > AAA Servers
Authentication Server
Host: Kiwire-hostname or Kiwire-Ip
Secret: create a secret pass phrase
Port: 1812
Timeout: 3 seconds
Attempts: 1
Accounting Server
Host: Kiwire-hostname or Kiwire-ip
Secret: secret same as authentication server
Port: 1813
Timeout: 3 seconds
Attempts: 1
Accounting Mode: Start-Interim-Stop
Accounting Packet: ticked
Interim Update Interval: 1800 seconds
Advanced Settings
NAS-Identifier: AP MAC address with capital letters and colon
Dynamic Authorization: ticked
Dynamic VLAN: ticked
Called Station ID: AP-MAC:SSID
Omaya 3.0 Administrator > Quick Setup > Dashboard
Kiwire 3.0 Administrator > Setting up the Wi-Fi Hardware & Configuration > Fortigate FortiOS
Kiwire 3.0 Administrator - Device & Controller Setup Guide
Fortigate FortiOS configuration for Kiwire hotspot
Steps to Integrate Kiwire with FortiGate
1. Create RADIUS Server
User & Devices→Radius Servers
A). Edit Radius Server
Name = Radius name (e.g., Kiwire)
Authentication Method = Specify→choose PAP
NAS IP = FortiGate WAN IP
B). Primary Server
IP/Name = Kiwire IP/Hostname
Secret = Secret key (make sure this secret key is same in Kiwire)
2). Click OK

3. Set Accounting Interim Updates
Click CLI Console

4. CLI Console should be open like in the diagram below

5. Enter command below to set accounting interim update

6. Output should like this when done set accounting interim update

6. Add User Group
User & Device → User Groups → Create New
A). Edit User Group
Name = User group name
Type = Firewall
Members = Add User Definition
B). Remote Groups
Click Add → Add Radius server that have created
C). Click OK

7. Add User Definiton
User & Device → User Definition → Create New → Remote Radius User → Click Next

8. On Radius Server tab
Username = fill in name
RADIUS Server = choose Radius server
Skip to Extra Info tab

9. On Extra Info tab
User Account Status = Enabled
User Group = choose User Group that have created
Click Submit

10. The output should look like in the diagram below

11. Create Hotspot Interface
Go to Network→Interfaces→Create New→Interface
A. Edit Interface
Interface name = Set name to the interface
Type = VLAN or physical interface
Interface = If type is VLAN, choose physical interface
VLAN ID = Set VLAN ID if type is VLAN
B. Address
Addressing Mode = Manual
IP/Network Mask = Hotspot subnet
C. Administrative Access
Tick RADIUS Accounting

D. DHCP Server → Enable
Address Range = IP range that will used as DHCP
Netmask = Netmask for the IP
Default Gateway = Same as Interface IP
DNS Server = Same as System DNS
E. Network
Security Mode = choose Captive Portal
Authentication Portal = External (IP-Kiwire/login/fortiap)
User Access = Restricted to Groups
User Groups = choose User Group that have created
Click OK

12. Wall Garden Kiwire
Go to Policy & Objects → Addresses → Create New → Addresses
Name = Set name for the address
Type = Subnet (if Kiwire using IP) /FQDN (if Kiwire using hostname)
IP/Netmask (if choose type Subnet) = Kiwire IP
FQDN (if choose type FQDN) = Kiwire hostname
Click OK

Name = Set name for the address
Type = IP Range
IP Range = IP Range for hotspot
Click OK

13. Create Policy for Unauthenticated User
Go to Policy & Objects→IPV4 Policy→Create New
Name = Set Name for the policy
Incoming Interface = VLAN or interface create for hotspot
Outgoing Interface = wan1
Source = all
Destination = choose Kiwire wallgarden
Schedule = always
Service = ALL
Action = ACCEPT
Click OK

14. Open CLI Console to enable bypass of the Captive Portal

15. Create Internet Access Security Policy
On the same page IPV4 Policy → Create New
A. Edit Policy
Name = Set name for the policy
Incoming = VLAN or physical interface hotspot
Outgoing Interface = WAN1
Source = all
Destination = all
Schedule = always
Service = ALL
Action = ACCEPT
B. Firewall/Network Options
NAT = Enable
IP Pool Configuration = Use Outgoing Interface Address
C. Click OK

16. Create DNS Policy
On same page → Create New
Edit Policy
Name = set policy name
Incoming Interface = VLAN or physical interface hotspot
Outgoing Interface = wan1
Source = all
Destination = all
Schedule = always
Service = DNS
Action = Accept
Firewall/Network Options
NAT = Enable
IP Pool Configuration = Use Outgoing Interface Address
Click OK

D. Policy list should look like in the diagram below

17. Redirection after login
Click CLI Console

Kiwire Configuration
1. Access to Kiwire→Devices→Devices→Add Device

2. Fill in the details as below:
Device Type = Controller
Vendor = FortiAP
Identity = FortiGate Hostname
IP Address = FortiGate IP
Username = FortiGate username
Password = FortiGate password
Shared Secret Key = Secret key that create in Radius server part. Must be same
COA Port = 3799
Click Create