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Configure the Filter on Ubiquiti UAP devices

You can activate the cloud content filter on any model of Ubiquiti by these steps:

If you haven’t registered yet, you can do it now for free here: Click here to register
Connect to the dashboard by entering the IP address in your browser. Then insert your credentials to log in.

1. First of all, you need to change the DNS of the device.
To do that, click on the [Network] menu and open the [WAN Network Settings] submenu.
Type in the Primary DNS IP field and in the Secondary DNS IP field.

Ubiquiti-1 EN.png

2. Now you need to configure the dynamic DNS service. To do that, open the [Services] menu, enable ‘Dynamic DNS’ and configure it this way:

» Service: Choose the service. IMPORTANT: you do not have to register on; the service works anyway because the servers redirect the request to themselves.
» Host Name: Type in the word filter.
» User Name: Type in the cloud content filter’s registration email/username.
» Password: Type in the cloud content filter’s password.
» Click on [Change] to apply the changes.

Ubiquiti-2 EN.png

You can now enable and configure the DHCP server to distribute the content filter’s DNS to the devices within your network.

To do that, open the [LAN Network Settings] submenu in the same page and enable the DHCP server. Then fill in the following fields:

» Range Start: Insert the first IP of the DHCP range.
» Range End: Insert the last IP of the DHCP range.
» Netmask: Insert the subnet mask of your network.
» Lease Time: Choose a DHCP lease time (in seconds).
» Primary DNS IP: Type in as the filter’s primary DNS.
» Secondary DNS IP: Type in as the filter’s secondary DNS.
» Finally, click on [Change] to apply the configuration.

Ubiquiti-3 EN.png

Alternatively, you can manually change the DNS of the devices that you want to filter.

Optional: Deny DNS Changes by User
You can enforce security by disabling DNS changes by users. To do this, you can proceed this way:

» Click on [Network] and open the [Firewall] menu.
» Now you need to create rules to block all traffic on port 53 (DNS Service), TCP and UDP, except on the filter’s DNS servers.


See the image below to understand how to create these rules.

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