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Kiwire 3.0 Administrator         >        Integration           >          SMS Gateway

Kiwire 3.0 Administrator - Integration

Integration - SMS Gateway

Setting up kiwire with cloud SMS gateway

Kiwire support integration with popular cloud SMS gateway provider, with SMS  module will all SMS sending operation on Kiwire such as SMS campaign and SMS login function as well. Example of Using SMS module, you can provide option for user to use OTP as password. OTP is to complete the SMS sign up as well as a new OTP code for every login.



How SMS intergration Work?

  1. When user performs signup for the network, Kiwire will determine if the login snippet is SMS type and determind the logic.

  2. Kiwire will create an SMS message with the message composition under the SMS setting.

  3. The SMS gateway will send the SMS to the user’s mobile number.

  4. The user must key in the SMS code to log in.



  • Depending on your configuration of password security setting at Configuration – Settings, if it is set to high, all OTP code generated is alphanumeric and if set to low all the OTP code will be numeric only.

  • Mode ,  Kiwire SMS support the following mode of operation

  • Send OTP to complete registration
    User will received a SMS code to validate their account to login ,this is useful to validate the phone number of user. User are able to create their own username and password.


  • Send OTP every Login
    User are required to key in the sms code received every time they login , this is for validate and ensure the user have the phone number with them at all time.


  • Send user password once registered
    User will received their password via SMS the moment they register their account. User are not able to create the password , as they will be using the SMS password given, however user can change the password at later stage by going into their control panel to update their prefered password.


Kiwire support all the major SMS gateway provider such as twillo and regional sms gateway provider via the GENERIC option.


Using Twillio Gateway.

One of the most popular global SMS provider , Kiwire support Twillio account out of the box.


To setup Twillio you need to obtain the following from your Twillio account , this can be found under api page

SMS Gateway_1.png
  1. Twillo account phone number

  2. Twillio SID

  3. Twillio password

  1. Navigate to intergration -> SMS

  2. Enable the SMS module

  3. Select Cloud SMS operator -> Twillio

  4. Twillio Phone no ->  Your Twillio account Phone no

  5. Twillio SID -> Your Twillio SID

  6. Twillio password -> your Twillio account password

  7. Mode -> select the mode you prefer

  8. SMS content -> select the template to be use for the SMS , SMS content can be created at login engine -> template

  9. Link with Profile -> select profile that user will be associated when they use SMS integration

  10. Validity -> How long is the account valid for

  11. Once registered -> select the behavior post login with sms login

  12. Prefix Phone no with +sign ->select None

  13. Click Save to save the configuration



Using Generic Gateway

If you are using your regional SMS gateway provider, you may do so by selecting Generic from the cloud SMS provider drop down.

Your cloud SMS provider should support either HTTP GET or HTTP POST interface , for this example we be using Http GET protocol given by our SMS gateway provider. We assume our SMS provider is call acme SMS gateway, and the Http get method to trigger SMS sending is[accountno]&password=[password]&mobileno=[phoneno]&msg=[sms text]”




Where the account no given is “myaccount”, password is “pass123” . the setup for the acme gateway will be as follow, Kiwire will append the replace the message and mobile no as per tag and generate the full URL and send the actual


  1. Navigate to intergration -> SMS

  2. Enable the SMS module

  3. Select Cloud SMS operator -> Generic

  4. Request method -> GET

  5. Full URI ->

  6. Variable name for message -> msg

  7. Variable name for phone number -> mobileno

  8. Header -> none

  9. Mode -> select the mode you prefer

  10. SMS content -> select the template to be use for the SMS , SMS content can be created at login engine -> template

  11. Link with Profile -> select profile that user will be associated when they use SMS integration

  12. Validity -> How long is the account valid for

  13. Once registered -> select the behavior post login with sms login

  14. Prefix Phone no with +sign ->select None

  15. Click Save to save the configuration



Prefix let you manage which country phone number you are allowing the SMS to send to, for example if you wish to only allow to send to Singapore  with Prefix of +65,


  1. Click on Add Prefix

  2. Country -> type in the country name eg. Singapore

  3. Prefix -> type in the Prefix with + eg +65



To test the setting is correct , please save the setting done and click on the Test Send SMS button

A prompt with phone number to send test sms will appear , type in the phone number to test received the SMS  and click send, If your setting is correct you receive a test sms from your provider.


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