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Integration - SMS

The SMS module lets you setup SMS gateway over the internet.  The SMS module will be used by all SMS sending operation on Kiwire such as SMS campaign and as well as SMS login function. Using SMS module,  you can provide option for user to use OTP as password. OTP is to complete the SMS sign up as well as a new OTP code for every login.

* NOTE : Depending on your configuration of password security setting at Configurations -> Settings, if it is set to high, all OTP code generated is alphanumeric and if set to low all the OTP code will be numeric only.

How SMS module work:

  1. User performs signup, Kiwire will determine if the login snippet is sms to verify the account creation or SMS content send to user will be the user credential.

  2. Kiwire will create a SMS message with the message composition under SMS setting.

  3. SMS gateway will send the SMS to user’s mobile number.

  4. User will key in the SMS code to login.

The field and its function description is listed below.

Twillio Cloud SMS Gateway

Twillio is one of the world most popular cloud SMS provider. The Twillio cloud SMS option let you configure Twillio as your cloud SMS gateway.

The field and its function description is listed below.

Synchroweb SMS Gateway

The Synchroweb tab is for configuration of Synchroweb cloud SMS gateway.

The field and its function description is listed below.

Generic SMS Gateway Provider

Due to the complexity and availability of other numerous cloud or internet SMS gateway around the world, the generic SMS tab let you adapt and use most of internet SMS gateway available as your SMS gateway. A common SMS protocol around all SMS gateway provider is the support of “Post” and “Get” SMS sending API. By configuring the Generic tab to suit your SMS provider you are able to utilize our open interface. Please saved the Generic tab first in order to be able to select the generic provider from the drop down of SMS gateway provider.

The field and its function description is listed below.


In this example we assume our SMS provider is call acme SMS gateway, and the http get method to trigger SMS sending is “[accountno]&password=[password given]&mobileno[phoneno]&msg=[sms text]” where the account no given is “myaccount”, password is “pass123” . the setup for the acme gateway will be as follow, Kiwire will append the replace the message and mobile no as per tag and generate the full URL and send the actual SMS.


Prefix module will let you to create a telephone prefix number for each country. On the prefix listing module, you may search for specific prefix by using the search field.

The field and its function description is listed below.

Add Prefix

Click on “Add Prefix” button to create a new prefix number for a country and populate the required fields. Fill in the field to complete the process. The field and its function description is listed below.

How it works?

Mode : Send OTP to complete registration
  1. Click on Configuration > Template > General from the navigation.

  2. Create a new template for SMS verification code. Eg. Hi {{username}}, your verification code is {{password}}.

  3. Click on Login Engine > Page Maker from the navigation.

  4. Click on “Create Page” button to create a new page.

  5. Drag SMS Sign Up snippet from the snippet selection box on the right.

  6. Click on “Save” button and make the page as a default page.

  7. Click on Login Engine > Sign Up Page from the navigation.

  8. On Public Signup tab, enable the “Enable Public Self Sign Up” function and “Verification required” function.

  9. For “Username” function, select Username from the options.

  10. Select None for “Verification Page Template” function so it will display the default verification page. You can choose your own customize verification page. Make sure you create the customize verification page in page maker. (The input name should be “code”. Eg. <input name=”code” type=”password” placeholder=”Verification Code”>)

  11. Select the profile that created in Account > Profile for “Link with Profile” function. Then, set the validity days. Eg. 30 days.

  12. For “Additional Fields” function, you can select the fields for sign up page. Make sure you create the fields in Data Fields tab before select them for “Additional Fields” function. Then, click on “Save” button.

  13. Click on Integration > SMS from the navigation.

  14. On Twilio tab, setup your Twilio account details.

  15. On Prefix tab, click on “Add Prefix” button to add telephone prefix number for the country that you want to send the SMS.

  16. On Basic tab, enable the “Enabled” function and select Twilio for “Cloud SMS Operator” function.

  17. For the “Mode” function, select Send OTP to complete registration option.

  18. For the “SMS Content Template” function, select the template that you created in Configuration > Template > General for SMS verification code.

  19. Select the profile that created in Account > Profile for “Link with Profile” function. Then, set the validity days. Eg. 30 days.

  20. Enable the “Prefix Phone No With +Sign” function and click on “Save” button.

Mode : Send OTP every login
  1. Click on Configuration > Template > General from the navigation.

  2. Create a new template for SMS OTP code. Eg. Hi {{username}}, your OTP code is {{password}}.

  3. Click on Login Engine > Page Maker from the navigation.

  4. Click on “Create Page” button to create a new page for OTP code.

  5. Drag Login snippet from the snippet selection box on the right. Click on the snippet’s HTML editor, remove the Username input field and change the placeholder for the Password input field to “OTP Code”. Then, click on “Save” button. (* NOTE : The input name should be “password”. Eg. <input name=”password” type=”password” placeholder=”OTP Code”>)

  6. Click on Integration > SMS from the navigation.

  7. On Basic tab, select Send OTP every login option for the “Mode” function.

  8. For the “SMS Content Template” function, select the template that you created in Configuration > Template > General for SMS OTP code.

  9. For the “OTP Page Template” function, select the page that you created in Login Engine > Page Maker for SMS OTP code.

  10. Then, click on the “Save” button.

* NOTE : Other setup that made in “Mode : Send OTP to complete registration” will be the same. No changes required unless if you want.

Mode : Send user password one registered
  1. Click on Configuration > Template > General from the navigation.

  2. Create a new template for username and password. Eg. Your account details. Username : {{username}} & Password : {{password}}

  3. Click on Login Engine > Page Maker from the navigation.

  4. Click on “Create Page” button to create a new page.

  5. Drag SMS Sign Up snippet from the snippet selection box on the right.

  6. Click on the snippet’s HTML editor and remove the Password input field.

  7. Click on “Save” button and make the page as a default page.

  8. Then, click on “Create Page” button again to create a login page.

  9. Drag Login snippet from the snippet selection box on the right and click on “Save” button.

  10. Click on Login Engine > Sign Up Page from the navigation.

  11. On Public Signup tab, select the Follow Journey if Possible option for the “Once Registered” function.

  12. Click on Integration > SMS from the navigation.

  13. On Basic tab, select Send user password one registered option for the “Mode” function.

  14. For the “SMS Content Template” function, select the template that you created in Configuration > Template > General for username and password.

  15. Then, select “None” for the “OTP Page Template” function and click on “Save” button.

  16. Click on Login Engine > Login Journey from the navigation.

  17. On Login Journey tab, click on “Create New Journey” button to create a new journey.

  18. Fill in the fields and drag Sign Up page and Login Page from the available pages selection box.

  19. Then, click on the “Save” button.

* NOTE : Other setup that made in “Mode : Send OTP to complete registration” and “Mode : Send user password one registered” will be the same. No changes required unless if you want.

Video Example – SMS Integration


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