Cloud - Dashboard
Dashboard – Global The cloud dashboard module provides you a global overview of all the accounts created by the tenant and key important data. To access the dashboard module click on Cloud > Dashboard from the navigation. The following widgets are provided :
Total User : Total number of user account created in system.
Total Voucher : Total number of voucher generated in system.
Total Email Sent Out : Total e-mail sent out.
Total SMS Sent Out : Total SMS send out.
Connected User : Number of users connected to the system.
Total Device Online : Total devices online that added by tenant.
Total Device Offline : Total device offline that added by tenant.
Cloud Tenant Listing - Cloud Tenant Listing with cloud tenant registered name and its associated Cloud ID. Cloud ID : The cloud id of the client.
Client Name : The name of the client.
Total Users : Total number of users connected.
Users Online : Number of users online.
Recent Activity Event
Show the recent activity logs of the super admin.
Date/Time : The date and time of the activity.
Superadmin Username : The username of the super admin.
Cloud ID : The cloud ID of the super admin.
Activity : The recent activity logs.