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Kiwire 3.0 Administrator       >        Login Engine       >       Page Designer

Kiwire 3.0 Administrator - Marketing & Campaigns

Login Engine - Page Designer


In order to offer a truly personalized platform for user login experience, we created the “Page Designer” module. Page designer module is a powerful platform that let you create pages for sign up, informative pages and login pages which are personalized to your unique organisation. Page designer editor let you drag and drop snippet/box of content and let you customize the login page to your own. This module let you design your page creatively without the requirement of doing html programming. With each update of Kiwire platform, new snippet will be introduced which enable future login mechanism and logic to be introduced to your network. To access the page designer module click on Login Engine > Page Designer and the Page Designer module screen will display the existing listing of the added pages in system.


The field and its function description is listed below.


You are required to create an initial login page for your platform to work. If not user will be encounter a warning page of “No login page being created!”. Please create an initial login page and set it to be default.

Page Designer Editor

Click on the edit icon to access the page designer editor. The page designer editor consist of one primary pane on right hand side. The R.H.S pane is the primary snippet container which you can drag and drop the snippet box into the main canvas. On top of the pane there is select box where you can choose different categories for page designs.


1. Click on the “Add Page Designer” button to create a new page.

2. The Page Designer will load.

3. To set a background for the page, click on “Click to add content” and a popup window will appear as below

Click on “Image” a default image will be opened, then click on image, It will show 3 options, Click on “Change Image” to select the background. It supported image format (.jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp) to their respective categories to proceed. Any background uploaded under “Desktop Size” will only appear for desktop. If there is no image uploaded for “Tablet Size” or “Mobile Size” the default background image for desktop will be used. Click “Upload” to set the background.

4. When you click on a paragraph, it shows default text. The typography option is displayed UP on text box to edit the text such as font size, font color, bold and many more.

5. Open the snippet selection box by clicking on the snippet box loader on the R.H.S to shows all the snippet blocks.

6. Drag and drop the required snippet block into the main canvas area from the snippet selection box.

7. Most of the snippet block are editable, just click on the snippet and hover the edit icon will display.

8. The first icon display 3 dots, it shows options to Add, Move Up, Move Down and duplicate.

9. The second icon is the HTML editor. Page maker support the HTML / CSS code. After finish editing on html editor, click on “OK” button to save the code.

10. The third icon is the delete icon to delete the block.

11. Most of the snippet box are editable, just click on the snippet and hover the edit icon will display.

12. Once done with the new customized page, click on “Save” button on the page.

13. At the save option, type the Page Name, Page Unique ID is automatically generated, Remark, Page Type and Check enable the default page then click “Save” button.

14. To edit the previous page, click on the edit icon and make the changes. After done with changes, click on “Save” button to save the page.


Click on the save button at the upper left of the page to save your page impression. Then, you will require to fill in the details as below.


The field and its function description is listed below.


Only 1 Default Page is allowed.


Click on the delete icon to delete the page maker. A prompt will be display to ask for your confirmation to proceed to delete the page maker. Please exercise with cautions as this not a reversible action.


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