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Kiwire 3.0 Administrator      >       Reports, Help & Tools       >       Built 1 Release

Kiwire 3.0 Administrator - Reports, Help & Tools

Reports, Help and Tools - Built 1 Release

Kiwire v3 Built 1 can now be downloaded using this URL: 


Default Admin account is:

Username: admin

Password: testing*123


Release Notes:
  • New theme for the user interface.

  • Page designer using Bootstrap as a design framework to meet the industry standard.

  • Campaign pages now can show multiple campaign spaces in the same page and part of the journey.

  • Option to count page impression.

  • Administrator and user password now saved in encrypted format.

  • LDAP can do multiple RDN checks, separated by semicolon in the setting.

  • Social network login can use a LinkedIn account.

  • Wechat only works with desktop / laptop where users can scan QR code using Wechat mobile app.

  • Auto-login checks introduced to manage auto login behaviour.

  • Login checks also introduced to manage check perform during the authentication process.

  • Additional data field now using mapping to a max of 17 columns where the first 7 columns pre-allocated based on social network data.

  • Delete unverified account after profile reached limit ( around 1 or 2 minutes after the limit ).

  • 2 Factors authentication for Administrator using Google Authenticator.

  • Single voucher creation will not generate a bulk id. So it won’t appear in the Finance module. Single voucher creation reserved for payment gateway or any special voucher code to login.

  • Generation of voucher code will depend on the amount of credit that the administrator has. Credit can be updated on the administrator page.

  • Campaign ads now support JSON server as image ads source.

  • All logs file will exist in the /var/www/kiwire/logs/[tenant name]/ except for general log will appear in the /var/www/kiwire/logs/general/

  • SMS or email logs will be in the integration log file.

  • Reporting has been revamped as per below;

  1. Login error will only display errors which are rejected by radius.

  2. Login frequency will display total, daily unique and forever unique.

  3. Login device frequency will display total, daily unique and forever unique.

  4. Login concurrency replaced to session concurrency. This report displays the max number of concurrent sessions in the day or hour. In order for a device to be counted as part of concurrent, they need to login at least 1 minute.

  5. There is a new incident report to replace the device availability. This report shows the average available device and incident count during that particular date. Incident means a device that are not reachable during the checks.

  6. Current device status can be monitored using Device -> Dashboard or Device -> Status which will be refreshed every 60 seconds.

  7. Impression report has been removed from the Campaign module and listed for itself. For now only impression summary available. This report showing the total impressio between 2 dates inputted, and avg impression, avg total login and avg unique login ( these 3 values calculated hourly ( 24 * number of days between 2 dates )

  8. SMS send report now only show the summary, ie the number of sms send at specific date.

  9. Email send reports now only show the summary, i.e. the number of email sent at a specific date.

  10. Registration data will only be collected if the additional fields are set up during the sign-up.

  • Our new documentation URL is

  • Kiwire now has 2 independent services called kiwire_service and kiwire_integration. These 2 services can be monitored using systemctl command. 

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