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Login & Dashboard

Logging into Kiwire
To access Kiwire platform, open your internet browser and type “http://kiwireIP/admin/” . For example if your Kiwire installation IP is then your URL will be “” in the address field. If your assigned domain name is, then your URL will be Input the default username and password details provided below and click the “Sign In” button to login into Kiwire platform.
Steps for Single Tenant Kiwire: Go to Internet Browser, type “http://kiwireIP/admin/” eg. to access Kiwire. Enter your Username. Enter your Password. Click the “Sign In” button to login in.
Default Access for Single Tenant Kiwire Platform For Single Tenant Kiwire, you are required to fill in your username and password to access the platform.
Steps for Cloud or multi-tenant edition: Go to internet browser, type “http://kiwireIP/admin/” eg. to access Kiwire. Enter the Cloud ID. Enter your Username. Enter your Password. Click the “Sign In” button to login in. Default Access for Multi Tenant Kiwire Platform
For Cloud or Multi-tenant edition, you are required to fill in your cloud id additionally.

* NOTE : If you login for the 1st time, you will be presented with a Change password screen to ask you to change your credential. Please change your Default access to your secure password prevent abuse and for security reason.

The system will auto logout users if there is no activity detected on the platform if more than 20 minutes. Video Example : 

1.1 Dashboard The Dashboard offers a number of self-contained indicators and tables that summarize the network and its status.

The following widget are provided: Connected User :  Show the current number of users connected to the network. Total User :  Total number of users registered within the system. New Voucher User Created (Last 30 days) :  Number of new vouchers created in the last 30 days. New User Added (Last 30 days) :  Number of new user accounts added in the last 30 days. Login & Connected User Frequency :   Graph that shows the number of user that login vs connected concurrent users in the last 24 hours. This is helpful to determine if there is any issue with network topology or if there is abnormal activity. Server Load :  The current system load of Kiwire system. Used Ram :  The RAM utilization of Kiwire system. Used Disk Space :  The used disk space within Kiwire system. Total User Impression Last Hour :  Total user who view the captive portal page for last hour. Total Unique Impression Last Hour :   Total user who view the captive portal page for last hour. Devices Online :  Number of devices that connected/online. Device Faulted :  Number of devices that disconnected/offline. Recent Monitoring Event :  The last update of any device faulted or come back online. Recent Activity Event :  Activity logs of the Kiwire System.

Login & Dashboard

Wi-Fi and wireless network solutions provider based in Malaysia. With up to 24 years of experience, our services have helped customers around the world with cost-effective products, a professional approach, and reliable support.

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